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Miscellaneous Stuff

Nothing to really do with the EEVblog, but thought I’d share anyway.

2013 Australian Federal Election Rant

Dave rants about the 2013 Australian federal election this weekend, September 7th. It’s all about the National Broadband Network, how bat shit crazy Tony Abbot’s policies are, how the Senate might be the only hope for the future of the country, and how Wikileaks will throw a spanner in the …

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µRuler Goes Gangbusters

I’ve been told it’s official, the µRuler campaign is the most supported in Pozible history! It has almost cracked 1000% funded with over 1700 supporters! Thanks guys, this is both awesome and frightening. Only a day or so left to get one if you want it:

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EEVblog µRuler now available

Due to many requests I’ve finally made the µRuler available through a crowd funded campaign on Pozible: www.pozible.com/project/31806 So if you want a few of them, get in quick before the campaign ends. If it makes the target, the rulers get made, otherwise, they don’t.

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Sydney Maker Faire

Finally there will be a Sydney Maker Faire in November! There will be a public meeting this coming Saturday 10th Aug at the Powerhouse Museum to talk about the in’s and out’s. I’ll be there. I’ll probably give a talk or something at the show too, got any ideas on …

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