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Live Show

Recordings of the Live Shows

EEVblog #190 – Live Show #9

The greatest live show ever. World renowned guests, pyrotechnics, performing monkeys, aliens, marching bands, and the changing of the grenadier guards. No? Would you believe just two hours of Dave answering questions and yapping on? Yup. Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #131 – Live Show #7

Sorry, no chat window overlay, it got corrupted. Mostly almost 2 hours of Q&A, so a good one to listen to instead of watching. Just start watching when you hear something interesting happen!, like when Dave opens up his 1980’s vintage LED clock project. Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #113 – Live Show #6

The 6th Live EEVblog show. Lots of the usual random stuff. Yes, I know, the video sucks, it came from the Ustream recording. That’s the best main camera shot I had, sorry. Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #111 – Live Show #5

The 5th Live Show. This version is the original webcam footage version. It still has audio sync problems, particularly toward the end, but it’s still watchable. Podcast: Download

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