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The official releases of the EEVblog

EEVblog #259 – PSU Rev C Schematic – Part 12

Previous Video HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa9Lyb45oJM Rev C Schematic HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/projects/usupply/ Part 12 in the PSU design series. A thorough look at the Rev C schematic and all the changes. 18650 Lithium Ion battery charger, software controlled switching pre-regulator, replacement of the uCurrent capability, return of the PWM DAC, accommodating the Wiznet …

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EEVblog #257 – Makerbot Troubleshooting

Dave & Phil try to calibrate and print something for the first time on their Makerbot Thing-O-Matic. But as Murphy always ensures, it turns into a troubleshooting bonanza, where much hair is lost, but much knowledge gained… Podcast: Download

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