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The official releases of the EEVblog

EEVblog #422 – How To Calibrate A Calibrator

Les Thomaidis shows and explains the calibration rack at the Agilent Melbourne Standards Lab that is used to “calibrate the calibrators”. This is where other calibration labs send their multimeter and oscilloscope calibrators to get calibrated. Forum Topic HERE Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #421 – Melbourne Hackerspace

Dave visits the Connected Community Hacker Space (CCHS) in Melbourne on Feb 5th 2013 Check out the Cray Supercomputer, automated RFID door access system, 3D printers, various robots, and a chat with the head software developer for the Raspberry Pi. http://www.hackmelbourne.org/ Andy Gelme is part of http://lifx.co/ Jon Oxer is …

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EEVblog #419 – Thermocouple Tutorial

Everything you need to know about how Thermocouples work. K type thermocouples, the Seebeck effect, the Seebeck coefficient, and cold junction compensation. Along with some practical measurements with a multimeter to demonstrate the effect. Seebeck effect on a single conductor NIST Tables Forum Topic HERE Podcast: Download

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