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The official releases of the EEVblog

EEVblog #494 – Mailbag

USB Serial Module: http://jim.sh/ftx/ DSRB-88 Geiger Counter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B815uBi9wSw Induction Coin Shinker: http://thegeekgroup.org/stomper DE0-Nano FPGA Development Board: http://de0-nano.terasic.com Forum HERE Podcast: Download

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Please switch to my Youtube RSS Feed for Video

For those who follow my video blog via the RSS Feed and suitable RSS reader/player or whatever, please switch to my Youtube RSS feed here: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/EEVblog/uploads You’ll get a much higher quality 1280×720 version, super fast and more reliable download speed. I am considering dropping generation and hosting of the …

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