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The official releases of the EEVblog

EEVblog #869 – Counting LED Photons!

How may photons does a LED emit at very low currents? What is the lowest current where a LED will actually emit photons? Dave does some measurements to answer this quantum physics level stuff! Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #867 – The Search For The First TTL Chip

Can Dave find the first mention of TTL chips, on the 50th anniversary of TTL? Some old resurrected footage and a segment idea from July 2014, Welcome to Wayback Wednesday, were Dave looks though his old Electronics Australia magazine collection. Forum HERE Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #866 – Mailbag

Is this wierd thing a slice of Dave’s Brain? Find out in today’s Mailbag Forum HERE SPOILERS: A silicon wafer bonanza! Hires photos of wafers A temperature sensing plasma etching wafer http://www.diychristmas.org Bullshit Bingo Model car controller A very expensive single photon counter teardown and some experimentation. Random cheapo Chinese …

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