
Anything involving Microcontrollers.

EEVblog 1524 – The 10 CENT RISC V Processor! CH32V003

Checking out the new 10 cent WCH CH32V003 48MHz RISC V processor demo board and the MounRiver Eclipse IDE. Getting to blinky. The CH32V003 is a pin-for-pin alternative to the STM8S003 at 1/3rd the price, with more features. If you find my videos useful you may consider supporting the EEVblog …

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EEVblog #1205 – RC2014 Z80 Computer Kit Build

Sagan assembles the RC2014 Mini retro Z80 computer kit running Microsft BASIC from 1978. But will it go to plan? Power up, testing and troubleshooting at 23:00 Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-1205-rc2014-z80-computer-kit-build/ Sagan’s first time soldering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjpUYGRXzRQ Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #1144 – Padauk Programmer Reverse Engineering

David looks at the pins on the Padauk PMS150 programmer for potential reverse engineering. TLDR; It doesn’t look easy to reverse engineer this protocol, it’s messy with lots of voltage levels, as Padauk said it would be. Just buy the programmer for now! There is also a Flash/EEPROM re-programmable version …

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