
4th LIVE Show

Why the heck not! A 4th LIVE EEVblog show will be on 7:30am this Monday SYDNEY time. Click the live tab above to get other timezones. Usual story, bring your questions and “ask Dave”. Dave has an opinion on everything!

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How To bring Your Project From Idea To Reality

Another fantastic talk by Mitch Altman about how to bring your project idea from concept to reality. he uses his example of TV-B-GONE. It was recorded at one of the HOPE conferences, and I originally heard it HERE, but it now seems to be missing. So I have found the …

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How To Run An Open Source Hardware Company

I heard this great audio presentation by Limor Fried (Ladyada) and Phillip Torrone. They talk about how they run Adafruit, their open source hardware company, and I highly recommend everyone give it a listen. It was recorded at on of the HOPE conferences, and I originally heard it HERE, but …

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EEVblog #106 – Top 5 Tips To Bring Your Product to Market

Are you are a hobbyist, hacker, maker, or garage engineer with a great product idea? Dave gives you his Top 5 tips for bringing your product to market. And a bonus Top 5 reasons to avoid patents. Copyright, Marketing, Advertising, Protection, and Creative Commons Open Source all get a look …

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