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Bloggers – Don’t Sell Out Cheap

There has been an issue that has been bugging me for quite a few years now, and I need to say something about it. Bloggers being exploited for the benefit of the big players in the online engineering space. You’ve seen them, the big companies going all “social media” internet …

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Should I do some text blogging too?

I’ve been thinking that maybe I should do some text blogging on here in addition to the usual video blog. Just random stuff, rants, whatever, almost certainly on-topic of course, and maybe some photos if I’m doing something etc. Just some extra content for eevblog.com were I would not be …

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Server update complete

The server update to CENTOS 6 is complete. Everything but forum emails seems to work just fine, that is being looked at now. The new server should be quicker than the old one, and it should get even quicker with some tweaks that will come online is due course. And …

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