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Contact Dave

Please use the appropriate email to ensure it gets filtered correctly:

FAN EMAIL: eevblog+fan@gmail.com (I read all fan emails, but please don’t be offended if I don’t respond)

ADVERTISING/COMMERCIAL: eevblog+business@gmail.com

HATE MAIL: eevblog+hate@gmail.com (Yes, seriously, people like to send me hate mail, yes I do read it!)

GENERAL EMAIL: dave@eevblog.com

STORE SUPPORT: eevblog.official@gmail.com


You can send stuff unannounced to my popular mailbag segment:

For regular mail use:

PO Box 7949
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

For couriers like Fedex, UPS etc that CAN’T deliver to PO Boxes, please email me for an address: eevblog+delivery@gmail.com

My phone number is NOT publicly available for obvious reasons having a large public Youtube audience.
Please contact me by email above.