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EEVblog #1291 – Mailbag

More Mailbag!

WTF: A soldering iron mouse controller? 10:05
Snapton Designers Guide: https://www.snaptron.com/free-samples/designers-guide/
Snapton Dome Kit: https://www.snaptron.com/free-samples/
20:18 Open Source LED Snowflake: https://luckyresistor.me/ https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/snowflake
27:20 The world’s worst user interface oscilloscope? And it’s a Tektronix? The Tektronix T201/T202 oscilloscope. Createc SC01 Signal Computer
39:00 I2C USB Driver: https://i2cdriver.com/
49:19 Siemens Rat Pee?
Forum: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-1291-mailbag/

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