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EEVblog #1244 – Mailbag

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Mailbag SPAM!
If it smells like chicken, you’re holding it wrong.
2:57 https://www.tympan.org Open source hardware audio hearing development system.
11:20 Circuit Scribe conductive ink learning kit https://www.circuitscribe.com/
24:20 Sony RM-440 video editing unit teardown
30:42 Pulse Sensor https://www.pulsesensor.com
31:36 DIY Mouse Kit https://github.com/biomurph/Mouse
32:26 DIY OpenHak open source Fitness tracker https://www.openhak.com
36:34 Faber Castell TR3 scientific calculator and slide rule
42:22 Thermocouple Raspberry Pi Hat http://www.scientificdatasystems.co.uk
46:35 Casio FX-82 Calculator

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